Production is more daring, bars are heavier and risks got taken. More importantly, everything worked out.
It’s 12:12 am in the morning. This writer had just returned from Reminisce’s Trace Live! and a second Uber driver had just declined a card trip. An unintentional click on his laptop showed that a video got uploaded 12 minutes prior.
The video is for ‘Ronaldo,’ the single by Falz, Ajebutter22 and BOJ. The opening was promising, but not as...
‘Make E No Cause Fight 2’ is a commercial and crooked millennial diary by Falz, BOJ and Ajehbutter22 [EP Review] - Pulse ng
It’s 12:12 am in the morning. This writer had just returned from Reminisce’s Trace Live! and a second Uber driver had just declined a card trip. An unintentional click on his laptop showed that a video got uploaded 12 minutes prior.
The video is for ‘Ronaldo,’ the single by Falz, Ajebutter22 and BOJ. The opening was promising, but not as...
‘Make E No Cause Fight 2’ is a commercial and crooked millennial diary by Falz, BOJ and Ajehbutter22 [EP Review] - Pulse ng