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Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time

This is Chicago's first public outing since she was welcomed into the Kardashian-West family two weeks ago.
Kim Kardashian was seen out on Friday with baby Chicago as she ran errands in Los Angeles.
This is Chicago's first public outing since she was welcomed into the Kardashian-West family two weeks ago. The mumof-three was seen pushing the newest addition to her family in a stroller.
Chicago's face was mostly covered but parts of her face can be slightly glimpsed.
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first timePhoto of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time
Photo of Chicago West as Kim Kardashian takes her out in public for the first time

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